DSPortal Introduction

The mission of DSPortal is to ensure adults and children with or without disabilities live the most productive and independent life possible, whether that’s in the community, at home, or within an agency.

In most community programs, including the one I worked for, it can take up to 30 minutes helping an individual(s) find that perfect volunteer place, job, or activity coming up within the agency. Of course, that information is generally found online, in a newspaper, etc, but most community programs only last about 4 to 5 hours and that time goes by very quickly. Speaking from experience, too much of that time is taken up by researching for activities that pertain to an individual’s goals.


Ezra Estey Founder & CEO

Instead of utilizing standard search engines, within a matter of seconds, DSPortal provides most, if not all the information needed when finding productive activities to do. Not only that, but DSPortal provides an easier way for DSPs and agencies alike to post and share activities held within, such as a birthday celebration, time and location to DSP appreciation day, etc. This not only creates a more inclusive environment for individuals, but makes it easier for managers and staff to communicate and announce upcoming events.

So give DSPortal a try and feel free to share your feedback! Whether positive or negative, any comments are most appreciated. 🙂

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